Thanks to Nadine, I know how to manage my knee pain better now!

Review for Physiotherapy Program

Date: December 8, 2020 Written by: Eleanor M From: Vancouver, British Columbia

In early 2020 I enrolled in a specialized physiotherapy program designed to help manage and improve the symptoms of knee and hip osteoarthritis. I’m a somewhat active woman in her late 40's, so I was surprised to hear the word "osteoarthritis" and "your knee" used in the same breath. Although I’m a health care worker I’d always associated OA to be something that "older people" suffered from, so was surprised to meet another woman in the class about the same age as myself.

Nadine deliberately keeps the class sizes small - even before COVID - which enables her to spend a good amount of time with each participant. The exercises, while not arduous, do become monotonous by the time you get half way through the 6 week program, however it was within the repetition that I gradually noticed an improvement in my knee pain. I gradually found that my balance improved, that I was able to walk both up and down stairs with minimal discomfort; I no longer had to haul myself up off the seat on the bus, and I could lower myself onto a seat without discomfort!!

All these changes came gradually over the course of several weeks, and while I did have set backs I learned that they could be temporary and was given the tools to help reduce the length and severity of a flare up.

It's been a few months now since I completed the series of classes, and while I've not been diligent in continuing with the "maintenance" exercises, I know how to manage my knee pain better now. If anything, writing this review has reminded me of just how far I've come, and how its probably time to stop slacking off!!

I’m sure Nadine agrees :)